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We support you in creating your best possible life, and a beautiful start for your new baby.


  • Active Membership

    ทุก 1 เดือน
    • Access to The Library (Back Issues, Videos, E-books)
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    • Partner Promotions & Discounts
    • Printouts & Planning Tools
    • Professional Mini-Courses
    • Discounted Coaching Services
    • Scientific References
    • Surprise Giveaways
    • Parenting Tips
    • Anything else we can think to add. :D
  • Insight Sessions

    ทุก 1 เดือน
    1:1 weekly coaching sessions ++
    มีอายุใช้งาน 3 เดือน
    • Weekly 1-hour 1:1 online coaching call
    • Weekly "Deep Dive" exercises
    • Access to your coach via private e-mail and WhatsApp
    • Personally tailored to your needs
    • 1-year access to "VIP- I want it all!" membership
  • Postpartum Nutrition

    6-week plan for personalized postpartum nutrition guidance
    มีอายุใช้งาน 6 สัปดาห์
    • 1:1, 1-hour call each week for 6 weeks
    • Personalized menu planning assistance
    • Learn why diet is essential for complete postpartum recovery
  • Sponsor a New Parent

    You can help out a new parent by sponsoring them.
    มีอายุใช้งาน 12 เดือน
    • Provides 1-yr Active Membership to one new parent
    • Feel the love - you are helping a human raise a tiny human
  • Trial Membership

    One week trial plan
    มีอายุใช้งาน 7 วัน
    • Full access for one week.

Apply for sponsorship HERE


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© 2022 โดยนิตยสาร First Time Parent สร้างขึ้นอย่างภาคภูมิใจด้วย

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